Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I've been bad

about taking pictures of Tico. I'm totally obsessed with him but i've forgotten to take pics. i only remember to take pics when we're socializing him. why don't i realize he won't be this small for long??? greg took him to the vet on friday and she said he was a "size 6". in laymans terms that means he's going to be a 65-70 lb dog. ho damn!


Anne K. in L.A. said...

Tico gets cuter and cuter. As an owner of a "Size 6" dog, welcome to the club:)

betsy said...

How much does Tico weigh now? Sasha is 17 pounds!! He went to the vet Sunday and I hadn't really noticed how big he is until he got on the scale.

We got there and the vet came in and said "Didn't I see you yesterday?" to him. I didn't think much of it until she said it again and then said "oh, but you have a white stripe." I wondered if we had followed Oliver.

We didn't get to go out of town afterall, but will go in June instead. I've been bad about pictures, too. I have a couple I will post in a bit of him playing on the hillside. He loves to run up the stairs to the top of the yard, then scoot on his belly down the hillside hidden under the foliage.

Man is he dirty all the time. I gave him his first bath, which he thought was a game, and he was filthy five minutes after going outside again.

Pictures today if I can!

MissMissy said...

I love Tico and reading about Sasha. What a great idea to do a blog!!! How is mama dog?

Speis Girl said...

betsy - what vet are you going to? Melissa takes Oliver to Laurel vet. how funny if he was there the day before!

missy - the blog was betsy's idea! and genius of course! pichu is well. she and tico play/fight all day long. they can get REALLY loud though!