noodle is tico's bff at chandler bike path
this was wonderful socialization! this gentleman walks the path regularly. and crutches could be scary for a puppy. but Teeks is a big strong boy and it didn't faze him.

We started Puppy Head Start with Tico and Oscar at 7 weeks. THANK GOD! tico is already better trained than his mother. one of the things we're supposed to do is socializing him in our urban environment so he gets used to the sounds of cars/trucks/bikes/skateboards/people/dogs. and he wins prizes if we take pictures of the socialization.
he is such a little social butterfly. he loooooooooves to meet people and dogs. he whimpers when a passerby doesn't pet him. HOW COULD YOU NOT PET MY DOG - HE'S FLIPPING ADORABLE. sadly, no dogs have the same amount of energy as tico.